Alla inlägg den 21 april 2008

Av Ica - 21 april 2008 21:05

This is taken from the Official Swedish Street Team:
It's in Swedish since it will take place in Sweden. In the end there is something in English so if you want to do this in your town tell someone that has control over a Official Street Team site or a Fansite that many people visit!!!!! If you have any questions about what it says e-mail us att

"Enorm Fan Aktion: Down the Streets for Tokio Hotel! Svenska Fans, KOLLA HÄR! Uppdaterat (9/4)

This is a Fanaktion for not only Swedish Fans, but for TH fans all over the world! But we at the Swedish street team will spread news about the Fan

Action in Sweden!
The original idea : by Italian Official Forum!

We will take this in Swedish, but the original Idea from Italy will be posted in English on the bottom of this blog.


Here it Goes!
Jag skulle vilja göra er alla Uppmärksamma på en Fan Aktion som kan växa sig Enorm!
Några av er kanske redan har hört talas om det här,
andra får ta del av det Nu!

En sida vid namn "Italian official tokio hotel's community" har tagit på sig att ordna med en Fan Aktion som sträcker sig över hela världen!
Deras orginal idé kommer att bifogas längst ner för de som känner att de vill läsa det,

Detta är den Svenska Beskrivningen:
Fan Aktionen heter Down the streets for Tokio Hotel, och går i princip ut på att man som TH fan ska visa att man älskar Tokio Hotel!
Det man ska göra är:

*Fixa ett Street Team för varje land som kan sprida Officiella Fakta om Fanaktionen! (Vilket vi redan har:
*Bestämma X antal städer i respektive land där denna Fan Aktion kan hålla hus!
*Varje Fanmöte i denna Fanaktion ska Filmas!
En person i varje stad ska vara ansvarig för att Filma just Deras Fanmöte!
Detta material ska sedan skickas till Admin för Italian official tokio hotel's community och kommer sedan sättas ihop till en DVD, som de garanterat alla att TH ska få ta del av!
*Det man ska göra i varje stad är alltså att bestämma Samlingsplats, utgå därifrån för att sedan Umgås,
Sjunga TH Sånger,
Helt enkelt på erat eget sätt visa offentligt att ni är TH fans!

I Sverige är det två tjejer som valt att hålla i och ordna med denna Fan Aktion: Emelie & Hanna!
Det vi på det Officiella Street Teamet kommer göra i detta projekt är att sprida det Officiella Fakta som dessa två tjejer kommer fram till!
Med detta menas att vi sprider det till övriga TH källor här i Sverige!

Denna Fan Aktion är just nu i Planerings Stadiet!

För er som vill komma med ideer, såsom:
*Städer där allt ska hålla hus!
*De som ska filma i respektive stad!
kan ni nämna dom här:

Där kan ni även diskutera med andra Svenska Fans och bolla ideer!
Emelie & Hanna kommer sedan att sätta ihop något Slutgiltigt!

Det Svenska Street Teamets roll är sedan att sprida det Officiella Faktat, så att ingen Förvirring orsakas!

För er som blir Valda att filma i just Er stad, här är lite Information om vad Filmen ska Innehålla:

*En presentation av Er som gjort filmen, såsom Namn på Er, Er Stad, Varför Ni gillar Tokio Hotel!
*Välj en TH låt som representerar just Er video!
*Filma väl valda delar av Er stad!
*Filma Fanaktionen naturligtvis

Har ni Frågor?
Maila då de som Planerar Aktionen, Emelie & Hanna:

Det jag nu vill att Ni ska göra, är att gå in Här för att Diskutera:
Detta kommer främst uppmärksammas av Italienska Universal, eftersom "Italian official tokio hotel's community" har meddelat dom om detta!

Håll koll på Svenska Street Team sidan för att få det Officiella Faktat, och även på andra Tokio Hotel Fan Sidor i Sverige dit vi kommer skicka Information med tiden!

Jag bifogar nu Original Mailet samt Original Idén från det Italienska Forumet:

I'd like to explain to you, the mother idea from which everything was born..
me and SAbrina, was thinking about the street team day that tokk place in every city here in italy.
it was a big day in which fans went down the streets of every city for tokio hotel.
It had a great success!!many teen-magazine was interested in this project, and at the end, was BIG who wrote a wonderful article about us, and put our photos on the pages!
we were very pround of it!
so... what if we could organize a big street team day in every country they are famous in?
my God.. i laughed. i thought it was impossible.. too many people, too many countries...

but i was so curious!!

i registered myself in every official community by universal..and i wrote to every moderators... and they were interested!!

well, this is the idea:

.each country who wants to partecipate, must create a team, which i could refer to. a gropup of people who wants to organize their country.ther's no fixed number..but i think it would be better that in every team there would be someone who speaks english or a foreign language.

The final product will be a DVD in which there will be every video you'll do in your country.

1)street team.
'down the streets for tokio hotel.'
do you know what a street team is?
in a street team you can organize in groups, you meet in your city,
with stickers, posters, streamers, you can sing along the road, and stop people to make them singing. the most important thing is that you do photos and videos that we can sent also to magazines.

2)presentation of the group.

say who you are, where do you came from, and what are you going to do.

3)some takes of the most beautiful sightseen of your city.

this is only the skeleton of this project, i need your help and your ideas.
and i have created this community in which every country has an area to discuss.

every idea couold be a great idea!!

we need your help!
good work!

ps:if you want paretecipate, but you don't have an area of discussion, please, contact me, and i will create it!!!

i will contact the universal italia, and i hope they will help us, as they have already did!


Uppdatering (9/4):

*Emelie & Hanna har nu satt ett datum för Meet Up och Filmning i STOCKHOLM!
Den kommer äga rum 10-11 MAJ!

*Sovplatser för de som behöver är på gång att ordnas.
Inne på Forumet ( ) hittar ni en tråd som heter "Sovplatsakuten" där man kan anmäla sig om man antingen behöver Sovplats eller kan tänka sig att ta erbjuda sovplats!

*Omröstningar ,om dels vilken låt som ska representera Sverige samt vilka idéer som ska bli filmade, är nu igång!
Omröstningarna är öppna fram till den 22/4!

*Sen har Emelie & Hanna ett meddelande till de som känner att de vill dra ihop något i sin egen stad:
"Vi har även börjat få lite folk som frågar om de kan få ordna något i sin stad. Vi ser givetvis positivt på detta, men vi vill helst att de ska vara myndiga så att föräldrarna kan känna sig trygga. Sedan vore de bra om ni som känner att ni vill ta tag i detta i just Er stad, kunde presentera egna idéer ni vill filma!
Ni kan skriva i Forumet:

eller maila oss: "

The Official Street Team
Av Ica - 21 april 2008 19:05

I got this interview from (there is no link so I've got to post the hole thing-.-')

To see the article direct from the magazine go <a href="">here</a>

Translation by purplehaze at <a href="">


In their suite…

While touring, the TH have opened the doors of their suites to STAR Club for an interview of half an hour. Relaxed but already tired, they later had to cancel the appointment of Douai because Bill was… (not readable) That evening, nevertheless, the TH have told us how they are preparing for the Parc des Princes in Paris. They jitter, the greats!

Bill: “That other bands leave us alone!”

STAR Club: How are you doing? Does this tour go well?
Bill: Yes, it does. We are still a little bit tired. We’ve just got up, it is 14:30, but it’s ok.

Did you party yesterday?
Tom: We would have loved … But no. On tour, it is concert, dinner and beddy-byes (sleep) … We have to keep up with the stress of the concerts. After that, we stay up rather late, we are among us talking. We do not go to bed before 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning. We are night owls.

You are on stage in the evening, fans arrive in the morning. Does that surprise you?
Bill: We hallucinate, you mean! It seems that some girls have slept outside at Bercy, to be closer.
Tom: They should have been freezing to death because I was cold even under the duvet.

You have renounced singing in English?
Bill: In France, we only sing in German because our fans do not like our English versions. But in Brussels, we sing everything in English. In other countries, we mix English and German. It is quite complicated and one is always afraid to mix brushes. But we make it!

Does it happen to you to have lapse of memory?
Bill: No!
Tom: Yeah? And the Zenith of Paris?
Bill: Yeah, it’s true; I sang twice the same couplet of a song.
Georg: Anyway, when he has a lapse, he only has to move the microphone to the public and girls sing in his stead.

And the approaching of the Parc des Princes, does it give you stage fright?
Bill: We do not stop thinking about it. We are very impatient to be enormous there. For us, this is an immense honour to make such a huge venue. We will make it a very special evening for our fans. But you will not know anything more before June 21!

In fact, your French fans get a lot of things: the date change for the Parc des Princes because of exams, an extra concert in their region…

Bill: It’s great! We have an added concert in Dijon and that is thanks to our fans. Ditto in the West. However, we have already gone there during our last tour. And we would come back for the next!
Tom: Continue to make demonstrations and petitions. That’s how we love you. You are too strong and too rebellious! (He raises his fist…) Fight for your rights.

Tom: “On tour, it is concert, dinner and beddy-byes …”

You are going to release a new album. That’s going to be pressure?
Bill: No, we are not afraid. Not because we are sure of ourselves, but because we know that if we put pressure, we won’t work well.
Tom: It sucks to be afraid and trying to work too quickly. We do not work in the rush. We will take the time for this third album. We want to get out of the studio with something that looks like ours as much as the previous two albums.
Bill: Anyway, the pressure was much stronger for the second because after the success of the first, it was necessary to prove that it was not a one shot.

picture of Bill
Lost/Broken voice! They love the stage and whoop it up,
hence the problems of the vocal chords of Bill.
Prompt recovery to him…

Do you release one last single before?
Bill: It’s possible. We talk about it but it is not yet sure … But there will be no clip, because we will not have time.

Considering the time to do this album, would you be able to disappear from the newspapers for six months?
Tom: Frankly? We would love to!
Bill: There is no need to give interviews to be in the press. It’s enough to be on holiday for three weeks in the Maldives!
Tom: That would give us a little rest to do nothing else than our album!
Bill: There will always be a hidden photographer or a new story. In Germany, without interview for three months, the magazines were full of invented ones.
Georg: Anyway, as the recording of the album will coincide with our promo in new countries, we will not disappear completely.

There are no new rumours about you?
Bill: We avoid reading them and we don’t have time. New rumours, we hear about them in interviews. Are there any new ones in France?

Nothing… Unless you are in love?
All: No!

Could you change your look for the next album?
Bill: Our looks are not made according to our albums. Rather, according to our wishes. So we will see …
Tom: If actually, Georg will have a new haircut at the Parc (des Princes) or he will be naked!

It is said that you are making rock music for girls. Do you want to broaden your audience?
Bill: Those are jealous people! If all bands could have fans as special as ours, they would leave us alone a little bit!
Tom: When it is a critique on our music, we listen. But you do not criticise our fans! They are the best. But I understand… If I were them, I would be jealous too!

Interview: N. Crespeau

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