Alla inlägg under juni 2008

Av Ica - 25 juni 2008 09:17

By Martina Kleinke published on June 24. 2008

Tokio Hotel in ParisTokio Hotel in Paris

Saturday night in Paris. Exactly at 20:30 Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg of Tokio Hotel climb the satge in the "Parc des Princes"-satdium, accompanied by fireworks. 30.000 mostly female fans go completely crazy, scream their souls out, scream in german: "Bill ish will ein Kind von dir"(note: written as if pronounced with a french accent and means "Bill, I love you"). It's "Tokio Hotel"-alert time in the french capital. has exclusive pictures and extracts of the awesome gig.

The special thing at this concert: "Tokio Hotel" sang all their songs in german. French fans had written thousands of letters beforehand, telling the record company and the media that they wanted to hear TH in german. Tom, smiling to BILD: "There were angry letters aswell, though. From parents who were complaining that their kids neglected studying english, and attended the german classes instead."

The guys from Magdeburg were rocking Paris for 90 minutes, many fans sang along to every line. Gustav about the mega-performance, to "It's amazing to stand infront of such masses of fans." And Bill continiues: "When a whole stadium sings along to your songs, you definitely get goosebumps."
By the way, Tokio Hotel will play their next concert on July 6th in Rome.

Translation done by Lucky @


Av Ica - 24 juni 2008 21:51

If you missed the concert you can see the hole thing here!!

Av Ica - 24 juni 2008 21:37

Translated by itzsnotty21

They ask the questions in English but they answered in German...
im translating what is already translated from German to Portuguese so if its not exactly right don't me...
im only translating from Portuguese to English
with out further ado... heh
Bill - Right now we are concentrating on our new album. We have been writing songs and working in the studio. It will be again an album in English and German.
Tom - Basically we have been playing festivals and working in the studio. Like we said it will be in English and German.
Bill - With me it was like this, i was either 7 or 8 years old and i was first row for a Nena concert. I was a big fan of hers. It was raining and i got up at midnight, went there with a friend and stayed there for a long time.
Tom - that friend was me! I was the only one that went.
Bill - We stayed in the rain and waited a really long time but it was totally worth it.
Tom - But i got to say that Georg and I decided to put up a tent outside Jessica Alba's house so it is also worth camping outside there.
TH - Hey we are Tokio Hotel and you are watching SIC!

Av Ica - 24 juni 2008 21:15

Translation done by calexia19

 The 25 secrets of the tour

And if you could know what this gorgeous do before their concerts?! And backstage?! We found out everything and are going to tell you know. Let’s go?

1. Big sleepers.
The 2 Kaulitz brothers are very big sleepers! Bill even confessed that he wakes up with pillow marks. The only one that likes to get up early is Gustav. What does he do by himself?

2. Setting the stage
They are so competent that they like to oversee all the stages of setting the stage! (that sounds weird?!) they walk around the place to know everything before the concerts. They are unique.

3. Airplanes with names~
The guys always take their airplanes with them and play in the concert all before the show? Every boy has his one. And Bill’s is named Jumbie! Naw sweet!!!!!

4. Games and more game in their free time
There is only one thing that they have to have during the long tour and that is the playstation!! They love to play in their free time

5. Warm up the voice
Bill never goes on stage with out warming up is voice, he does a couple of exercises before. He’s very professional

6. Coats and scarves
Our four fantastic are very good friends… they are always worried about Bill and his voice! Tom is always telling is brother to wear warm cloths and put on a jacket. Haw not to love them

7. A personalized mike
It’s the coolest mike we have seen. Bill’s mike is fantastic! Had you noticed? He can’t sing with out it! It’s full of small sparkles! The shiniest mike for our brightest star! Perfect. Bill and his fantastic style

8. Três gatos pingados (typical Portuguese expression for… ah… three guys… I really don’t know sorry)
Did you know they singed once during a bus trip? That their 1º concert was in a small bar! There was only Bill, Tom and 5 people watching… who new? Now that seems impossible.

9. Time to eat
The gays are not very difficult to please. The foods they like before concerts are pizza and pasta with tomato sauce. But if you offer broccolis and cauliflower they run away. So you know what not to give them

10. In what does Bill think?

Bill says that when he is on stage he forgets the world and for that time the only thing it matters is to give the fans a good experience

11. A look that takes forever and an giant bag
Bill that 2 hours to get ready for itch show? The hair, the nails, the matching cloths… that is why his bag is the biggest of them all

12. Tons of material
For every TH concert there are need 6 trucks with equipment

13. Talk about…
After so much time together they say they share every secret

14. The mysteries bag
There is a bag that Tom never forgets. Do you know what is in it? Lots of hats and underwear

15. Fans of those tables with the football plays and the ball for you to play with (sorry don’t know the word in English)
They love playing that game and it’s perfect because they are four. We only don’t know if it’s always the same times our not

16. Nerves
Before every concert the four are always very nervous! Only Gustav can stay calm

17. Very talented
Sometimes we don’t even notice Georg, but he wasn’t there you would noticed immediately. Georg is a great musician and the twins never forget to say haw important he and Gustav are for the band

18. And doesn’t jump
Did you know that Gustav does is warm up by jumping around? He loses tree to four liters of water during a concert! It’s a lot of power behind the drums

19. Fear
Bill is very afraid to fall from the stairs! From the bus our the stage… basically every thing with a lot of stairs. It’s paranoiac but it’s better to be careful

20. The isn’t anything missing from the tour bus
There is every division of a house in their bus, from a W.C to bedrooms

21. The cutest secret
In the list of things the band can ask concert organizers they ask for gummy bears

22. A mysteries boy
In what does Tom think when he is playing in his littler corner?

23. A secret meting
30 minutes before the show Tom, Georg and Bill get together in the green room to concert for the concert. Gustav prefers to stay in is on corner

24. The deciding time
After all the arrangements it’s finally time for the concert

25. Always together
They travel together because that way they say the band works better

Av Ica - 24 juni 2008 21:15

From reden   In der neuen Popcorn ist:

- ein kurzer Bericht "Rammstein schlagen Tokio Hotel!"´
- Sommerhoroskop 08 von Bill und Tom
- Unter Star Shots hat ein Fan das hier geschrieben "Belügt Bill die Fans?"
- ein Poster
- ein größerer Bericht "Triumph in Amerika"
- Star Talk: Da ist ein Zitat von Bill

ich werde die Sachen noch im Laufe des Tages abtippen.

Rammstein schlagen Tokio Hotel!

Wer hätte das gedacht: Obwohl die Karriere von Tokio Hotel im Ausland gerade steil abgeht, sind die Jungs nicht Deutschlands bekanntester Musik-Act im Rest der Welt. Das deutsche Musik-Exportbüro hat errechnet, dass vor Tokio Hotel noch Rammstein (Platz 1) und Nena (Platz 2) stehen. Wenn es nach verkauften CDs und Airplay geht, bleibt Bill & Co. die Bronzemedaille - zumindest noch: Da ihre "1000 Hotels"-Tour gerade für ausverkaufte Hallen in Europa sorgt und somit den CD-Verkauf anheizt, könnten TH noch in diesem Jahr an Rammstein vorbeiziehen.

Da ist dann ein Bild von den Jungs und daneben steht: Tokio Hotel sind zurzeit im Ausland erfolgreicher als bei uns

Sommerhoroskop 08

soll ich das auch abtippen???

Star Shots: Belügt Bill die Fans?

Ich wende mich mit dem Foto von Tokio Hotel an euch, damit den Fans die Augen geöffnet werden. Auf dem Bild ist neben Georg und Tom auch Bill zu sehen, der Arm in Arm mit einem blonden Mädchenunterwegs ist. Es ist seine Stylistin. Beide sollen oft aneinanderkleben und wurden sogar schon küssend gesehen. Bill sagt immer, die Fans wären die Ersten, die es erfahren würden, wenn er eine Freundin hat. Er könnte ja auch sagen, dass es eine Privatsache ist, dann müsste er es uns nicht mitteilen. So lügt er uns aber an! Wir wissen, dass Bands oft nicht ehrlich sind, weil es ihrem Image schaden könnte. Für uns Fans ist Ehrlichkeit aber am wichtigsten. Ich denke, Tokio Hotel sind uns darauf eine Antwort schuldig. Alina K., per E-mail

Da ist ein Bild von Tom, Georg und Bill mit dieser angeblichen Freundin und daneben steht: Stylistin Melli (20) hat sich bei Bill eingehakt. Sind die beiden ein Paar?
Das Poster ist ein normales kleines Poster, also kein riesen großes.
Es sind alle 4 Boys drauf. Die knien so auf dem Boden und Bill hält den Kragen von seiner Jacken in den Händen.

Gustav hat das an: Cappi, schwarzes T-shirt, Jeanshose und schwarze Schuhe

Bill hat an: T-shirt, rot-schwarz-weiße Jacke, schwarze Hose, Schuhe sieht man nicht und dann noch eine silberne Kette

Tom: weiße Cappi, weißes T-shirt, blaue Hose, weiße Schuhe

Georg: graues T-shirt, blaue Hose und weiße Schuhe.

Triumph in Amerika

New York, Chicago, Los Angeles - die US-Teenis sind verrückt nach Bill & Co.! In ihrer deutschen Heimat laufen ihnen die Fans davon...

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Tokio Hotel from Germany!" Im TV-Studio bricht ohrenbetäubender Jubel aus. Die Girls kreischen, schwenken Plakate, einige haben sogar Tränen in den Augen. So viel Begeisterung für eine Band aus Deutschland hat US-Talkmaster Conan O'Brien in seiner Late-Night-Show noch nie erlebt. "Incredible", murmelt er und schüttelt den Kopf. Bereits drei Tage vor der Sendung campierten Fans vor dem Studiogebäude. Bis zur Aufzeichnung war die Schlange auf zwei Häuserblocks angewachsten. Doch nur 120 Fans hatten Glück und ergatterten Tickets für die Show.

Amerika im TH-Fieber! Ob bei Auftritten, Autogrammstunden oder Radio-Interviews - die Bilder gleichen sich: überall hysterische Teenies, verstopfte Straßen, Ausnahmezustand! Bill, Tom, Georg und Gustav haben wirklich geschafft, was ihnen niemand zugetraut hätte: Tokio Hotel haben Amerika im Sturm erobert! Sie schmücken sogar schon die Titel der Zeitschriften, haben jede Menge Promi-Fans (z.B. Jay-Z und Nicole Scherzinger von den Pussycat Dolls) und sollen im Herbst zusammen mit den Jonas Brothers auf Tour gehen - ein Traumstart im Land der unbegrenzten Mäglichkeiten! All das hätte sich Sänger Bill ( 18 ) als Kind in seinen Kühnsten Träumen nicht ausgemalt. Bill: "Früher saß ich in meinem ZImmer vor den Nena-Postern und hab mir vorgestellt, wie das wohl so wäre als Popstar. Das wir es so weit geschafft haben, ist unfassbar!"

Doch der internationale Erfolg hat auch Schattenseiten: In der deutschen Heimat verlieren TH immer mehr Zuspruch. Die Kritik nimmt zu, viele Supporter haben der Band enttäuscht den Rücken gekehrt, die ersten Fanclubs lösen sich auf. Und Tokio Hotel tun wenig dafür, ihre alten Anhänger zurückzugewinnen. Eine neue Single oder gar ein Album sind nicht in Sicht. Stattdessen haben Auftritte im Ausland Vorrang, vor allem in Amerika. Ein neuer TH-Longplayer wird wohl erst Anfang 2009 erscheinen - für viel Fans zu spät!

Bill redet Klartext
Die deutsche Ausgabe der Zeitschrift "Vanity Fair" druckte kürzlich ein großes Interview mit Bill Kaulitz. POPCORN zitiert daraus die wichtigsten Passagen...

"Die größte Verletzung war die Trennung meiner Eltern. Ich war sieben und habe das damals einfach nicht verstanden. Das hat mich sehr geprägt. Mein leiblicher Vater ist Lastwagenfahrer und lebt in Hannover."

"Schule ist insgesamt viel zu wenig individuell. Wozu Mathe lernen, wenn ich weiß ich brauch das nie wieder in meinem Leben? Ich hatte im Singen immer schlechte Noten, weil ich irgendwelche Volkslieder singen musste. Das war Horror!"

"Man kann gar nicht beschreiben, wie nah Tom und ich uns sind. Wir haben dieselben Gedanken und träumen oft dasselbe!"

"Der ungeschminkte Bill ist für mich wie eine Verkleidung. Wenn ich nicht so bekannt wäre, würde ich auch geschminkt umlaufen. Das gehört total zu mir!"

"Es fällt mir total schwer, jemanden zu glauben und mich fallen zu lassen. Ich habe in den letzten drei Jahren keinen Freund dazugewonnen oder mich in jemanden verliebt!"

"Meine Beerdigung: Ich bin in Scharz und habe eine Lederjacke an. Mein letzter Wunsch wäre es, dass meine Haare gemacht sind. Hoffentlich habe ich da noch Haare. Wenn nicht, soll mir auf jeden Fall jemand eine Perücke aufsetzen!"

"Ich tanze nie. Ich sitze immer nur in der Ecke - es sei denn, ich bin total betrunken!"

Bild von Bill beim singen: Hysterie um Bill! Sein Look und sein Charisma begeistern die US-Girls. Bill ist in Amerika kult.

Bild von der Band in New York beim Auftritt: Unplugged: In New Yorker "Virgin Megastrore" spielten Tokio Hotel ein exklusives Akustik-Set

Dann sind da so drei Bilder - auf dem ersten steigt Bill aus dem Auto aus und da steht: Ankunft in Los Angeles

zweites Bild ist Bill schon weiter weg vom Auto: Bill & Co. werden wie...

drittes Bild sind die Jungs drauf: ... Superstars empfangen

Star Talk Bill Kaulitz

Ruhm ist total die Droge. Der Entzug wäre auf jeden Fall ein richtiger Schlag, mit dem ich nur schwer klarkommen würde.

Google Translate (Skipping pictures and posters descriptions)

Rammstein beat Tokyo hotel!

Who would have thought: Although the career of Tokio Hotel abroad just off steeply, the boys are not Germany's most famous music act in the rest of the world. The German music export office has calculated that even before Tokyo hotel Rammstein (1) and Nena (2). When it comes to selling CDs and airplay, Bill & Co. remains the bronze medal - at least yet: Since its 1000 hotels "tour, especially for sold-out halls in Europe and thus makes the CD sales anheizt could TH later this year Rammstein pass.

It is a picture of the boys and there is: Tokyo hotel are currently more successful abroad than here
__________________________________________________ _________

Star Shots: Bill Belügt the fans?

I am with the photograph of Tokyo hotel on you to the fans eyes opened. On the picture is next to George and Tom and Bill to see the arm in arm with a blonde girl Pleasure. It is his stylist. Both should aneinanderkleben and were often even küssend. Bill always says, the fans would be the first to know would, if he has a girlfriend. He could also say that there is a private matter, then he should not notify us. So he is lying to us! We know that bands often are not honest, because it could damage their image. For us fans but honesty is most important. I think Tokyo hotel forward to a response guilty. Alina K., via e-mail

There is a picture of Tom, George and Bill with this alleged girlfriend and also says stylist Melli (20), with Bill eingehakt. Are the two a pair?

__________________________________________________ ___________

Triumph in America

New York, Chicago, Los Angeles - the U.S Teenis are crazy about Bill & Co.! In its German home run them the fans like this ...

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Tokyo hotel from Germany! "In the TV studio breaks ohrenbetäubender jubilation. The girls screech, swing posters, some even have tears in their eyes. So much enthusiasm for a band from Germany, U.S host Conan O 'Brien in his late-night show have never experienced. "Incredible," he mutters and shakes his head. Only three days before the broadcast campierten fans before the studio building. Until the recording was the snake in two blocks angewachsten. But only 120 Fans were lucky and ergatterten tickets for the show.

America in the TH-fever! Whether appearances, autograph sessions and radio interviews - the same images: hysterical teens everywhere, clogged roads, a state of emergency! Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav have really achieved what they had nobody zugetraut: Tokyo hotel America by storm! They adorn even the titles of magazines, have lots of celebrity fans (such as Jay-Z and Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycat Dolls) and will be in the autumn, together with the Jonas Brothers on tour - a dream start in the land of unlimited Mäglichkeiten! All this would have been singer Bill (18) as a child in his dreams Bold ones not ausgemalt. Bill: "Before I sat in my ZImmer before the Nena posters and I've presented, as well as it would pop star. This we have done so far is incomprehensible!"

But the international success also has its dark side: In the German home TH lose more and more popular. The criticism is increasing, many supporters have disappointed the band backs, the first clubs to solve. And Tokyo hotel do little to reclaim their old trailer. A new single or an album are not in sight. Instead, performances abroad have priority, especially in America. A new TH-long player will probably appear until early 2009 - for a lot of fans too late!

__________________________________________________ ______________

Bill speaks plain English
The German edition of the magazine "Vanity Fair" recently printed a great interview with Bill Kaulitz. POPCORN cited that the most important passages ...

"The greatest injury the separation of my parents. I was seven and had then simply do not understand. I was. My biological father is a truck driver and lives in Hanover."

"School is generally far too little individual. Why learn math when I know I need never again in my life? I was always singing in bad grades, because I have any folk songs had to sing. It was horror!"

"You can not describe how close Tom and I have. We have the same thoughts and often the same dream!"

"The unvarnished Bill is for me as a disguise. If I'm not so well known, I would also geschminkt orbit. It is totally me!"

"I find it totally hard to believe someone and me to drop. I have in the past three years dazugewonnen no friend or somebody love me!"

"My funeral: I am in Scharz and had a leather jacket. My last wish would be that my hair done. Hopefully I still have hair. If not, can I have in any case someone up a wig!"

"I never dance. I always just sit in the corner - unless I am totally drunk!"

Av Ica - 24 juni 2008 20:57

Translation coming later!

Av Ica - 24 juni 2008 20:51

Translated by  myown Les membres du groupe Tokio Hotel sont-ils menacés de surmenage? Quatre lycéennes ont scruté des dizaines de vidéos, observé autant de photographies et sont persuadés que le quatuor allemand est au bout du rouleau. "Ils sont cernés, ça se voit, ils n'ont plus la petite flamme de leurs débuts", racontent Flore Solène, Laëtitia et Cloé, 15 ans. Il y a d'abord eu les extinctions de voix du chanteur, les concerts annulés et plus récemment cette scène en Allemagne où Bill Kaulitz aurait chanté du bout des lèvres accompagné d'une bande son. Sans oublier les paroles de chansons que les admirateurs passent à la loupe: "On est obligés de parcourir 100 mers, après nous serons enfin libres!"

Alors à l'heure où Universal reçoit des dizaines de pétitions réclamant des concerts aux quatre coins du monde, elles se mobilisent pour qu'on accorde au groupe... des vacances. Depuis deux mois, le blog qu'elles ont créé pour "responsabiliser les fans" a reçu 13 501 visites et des centaines de commentaires y ont été déposés. Certains proposent leur aide comme Lyly: "Mes parents sont, comment dire, haut placés, je vais voir s'ils ont des contacts chez Universal. D'autres, à l'image de Nana, se montrent plus inquiets "Vous avez vraiment bien réfléchi à ce que vous faites? Vous pourriez mettre leur carrière en danger!"

Universal en ligne de mire

En rentrant du lycée, Flore Solène, Laetitia et Cloé ont pris l'habitude de rédiger des lettres destinées au groupe, à leurs agents et à leur maison de disque. "Nous voulons prévenir Tokio Hotel de notre initiative. Il faut qu'ils sachent que nous voulons les inscrire durablement dans l'histoire de la musique. Nous ne souhaitons pas qu'ils coulent en voulant en faire toujours plus", résume Solène.

Elles ne sont cependant pas les premières à se préoccuper du devenir du groupe. Des fans allemands ont lancé une pétition sur Internet sur le thème "sauvons Tokio Hotel". Associées à cette pétition, les quatre françaises ambitionnent de la faire signer par un maximum de fans. Elles projettent aussi d'organiser des réunions de discussion sur ce sujet dans toutes les villes de France mais aussi au Canada, en Espagne ou encore aux Etats-Unis. Le blog des jeunes filles reçoit d'ailleurs des visiteurs du monde entier parmi lesquels certains ont accepté de traduire leurs textes en Portugais, en Allemand et en Espagnol. "Avec 30 000 signatures, Universal n'aura pas d'autre choix que de nous écouter. Ils relâcheront un peu la pression sur le groupe", assurent les jeunes filles.

"Nous n'avons même pas le temps d'ouvrir tout le courrier concernant Tokio Hotel, répond-on chez Universal. Nous envoyons souvent les lettres directement en Allemagne." Pour ce qui est des dates de concerts, la maison de disque est formelle :"rien dans les contrats ne les oblige à faire des dates et des tournées. Donc cela ne nous concerne pas directement."

Tokio Hotel sera en concert samedi au Parc des Princes. Bill Kaulitz chantera-t-il en play-back? Les fans du groupe, réputés exigeants, veilleront.
Quick trans:
There are 4 French Tokio Hotel fans who created a blog who's named "ensemble nous sauvons Tokio Hotel" (together we will save Tokio Hotel) the put on together some videos and pics were in their eyes you see the band completely burnedout etc they want the boys to go on holidays, they alsow want to organise some meetings in every city in France, in Spain, in Canada and the USA and they alsow have alot of internationl fans on their blog they want to collect more than 30.000 signatures cause they think if they could collect that much of signatures Universal wouldn't have any choice than to listen to them

Google trans:
Members of the group Tokio Hotel are at risk of burnout? Four lycéennes have scrutinized dozens of videos, observed as many photographs and are confident that the German quartet is at the end of their tether. "They are identified, it is, they no longer have the small flame of their debut," Flora told Solène, Laëtitia and Cloé, 15 years. There is first of all extinctions had the voice of singer, concerts cancelled and more recently in Germany this scene where Bill Kaulitz have sung lip accompanied by a soundtrack. Without forgetting the lyrics of songs that fans spend the magnifying glass: "We are obliged to travel 100 seas, after we are free at last!"

So at a time when Universal receives dozens of petitions calling for the concerts around the world, they are mobilizing to grant that the group ... holidays. For two months, the blog they created to "empower fans" received 13 501 visits and hundreds of comments have been filed. Some offer their assistance as Lyly: "My parents are, how to say, high places, I'll see if they have contacts at Universal. Others, like Nana, are more worried" You really well thought about what you do? You could put their careers in danger! "

Universal in Sight

In returning from school, Flora Solène, Laetitia and Cloé have taken the habit of writing letters for the group, their agents and their home record. "We want to prevent Tokio Hotel to our initiative. They must know that we want to register permanently in the history of music. We do not want to sink wanting to do more," summed Solène.

They are not the first to be concerned about the fate of the group. German fans have launched a petition on the Internet on the theme "Save Tokio Hotel". Coupled with this petition, the four French ambition to make it signed by a maximum of fans. They also plan to organize meetings of discussion on this subject in all cities in France but also in Canada, Spain or the USA. The blog girls also receives visitors from around the world some of whom have agreed to translate their texts in Portuguese, German and Spanish. "With 30 000 signatures, Universal will have no other choice but to listen to us. They bond a little pressure on the group", provide girls.

"We do not even have time to open all mail on Tokio Hotel, meet on at Universal. We often send letters directly to Germany." As far as gigs, the house disc is formal: "nothing in the contracts did not require them to make dates and tours. So it does not concern us directly."

Tokio Hotel will be in concert Saturday at Parc des Princes. Bill Kaulitz sing there in play-back? Fans of the group, known demanding, see to that.



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